Ricardo Jara Miñano

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Hi there,

Let me introduce myself,
I am a developer with 5 years of studies and 7 years of experience.
I have worked in front-end, back-end. I have used several tecnologies, some of these: Java, SQL, React, Angular, PHP, Symfony

I do love KISS principles.
I consider that you can not only copy paste code you found on internet or code you found in your current project;
but understand what are you doing, that applies "spring boot" lot of people use it without understanding what is going on behind scenes.
I have had the luck to work from most vanilla javascript/jquery, java7/tomcat to the most modern framework-like react/angular/typescript, springboot
that have give me a global vision of what I am doing when for example I run springboot, I know I need a javaEE server behind scenes,
but I do not have to worry about configure it since I am using Spring Boot but maybe I should in a future and I will search how to do it with springboot.

I consider an art to work developing new software, you can do the same job in appareance but one might be mediocre and the other one might have great. Depending on architecture you have used, how maintable the project is,

Technology Skills




My Code


  • Oracle Cert: Java SE Programmer; 95% score
  • ITL V3 Cert
  • Scrum finalization cert course
  • Bussiness Inteligent Capgemini Course
  • Dockerization Geekhub finalization cert course.